Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas. I Cheat. So What.

Ok, so hubs and I signed up for a new gym membership. So far so good. We signed up right before the Thanksgiving holiday. I've been trying to go at least (at most too) 3 times a week. Only last week was I so busy that I didn't get my 3 days in. Well, last night was the first time that I went to the gym by myself. I took the kid with me and he goes to play in the kids area. It's a real nice set up and he enjoys it. It was cold as all get out, but I was determined to go. Not because I wanted to work out all that bad, but because...well, I needed to go.

Ok, the real reason is because from time to time, you should reward yourself for all your hard work. I've been eating a lot better: no fast food, very little fried foods if any at all, lots of salad. (I swear I'm a rabbit.) And on top of the workouts, I think I am due to a little treat now and then.

Its Christmas time, and of course all the clients at work are bringing in treats for the office. Either its a calendar or something covered in chocolate. So far, I've already got 4 calendars...and yesterday, I simply ran out of options. I mowed down whatever was covered in brown cocoa goodness. I had nerve to even find out that there were this little chocolate covered sandwich cookies, like Oreos. OMG! Then it was the cashews, and the Kit Kats, and the Reese's bells...

I did eat my salad for lunch though. Hey, SHUT IT!