Sunday, May 17, 2009

Duh, I don't wanna grow up!

Ok so, recently the hubbs and I had this conversation which I eventually deemed stupid after I though about it. Here's why: we were talking about having regrets about the things we own. We didn't put blame on each other for anything. We of course were voicing how we wish we had done things differently. Who doesn't think that way at times in life? But what I failed to remember at that moment in conversation was that everything we have was given to us, or rather meant for us, or destined for us to have or simply put...ordained by God. A couple of years after we got married, we were ready to have a child, but I didn't want to start a family and live in our 1-bedroom apartment: I wanted a house. Right after we moved into the house, we found out we were pregnant. After that, our circumstances changed and the things that we were blessed to have became harder to maintain.

I often have conversations with friends about returning to the piece of childhood that allows you to be dependent. We mention how if only we could be where we didn't have to worry about our own bills and responsibilities. But what I realized during my convo with the hubby (and I mentioned it) is that going through all this is just a part of growing up. Things aren't supposed to just fall in our laps and come easy all the time. We work hard and that makes us appreciate the things that we attain for ourselves. We work and save and penny-pinch and adjust things so that we can get and be happy with what we have. But what we (as believers) are dependent on God. I still find that I'm not as independent as I think I am. I need to consult God on every aspect of my life. I mean down to the most insignificant thing, i.e. if I want to stop at Taco Bell and get 2 caramel apple empanandas on my way home, and I roll up toward the drive way and notice that the line is ridiculously long, I say, "Well Lord, I guess it is rather late and I don't need them this time of night anyway!" and I drive on home. But next time, if it is meant for me to have such a treat...the line is totally empty, the empanadas are in my hands in a matter of moments, and they're piping hot!!! Oh, I believe God is totally behind that thang!

So silly us for not realizing that years later, we're still in the same house and have acquired more than what we had since we'd moved in. Well, duh! Silly us for not remebering at that moment who our source has been and is! Duh! If we trusted God before and have all along, then why wouldn't we continue to believe him for our needs now? Economy schmonomy! Who cares what's going on in the land. My household is not affected by it. Yes, that's my claim! "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein." My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory! I am God's child and he owns everything; so why should I worry if my needs will be met? I rely on him totally and I worship and serve him. Because of my relationship with God, silly me for having forgotten that I have a Father who takes care of His own. Well, duh! Lesson learned, crisis averted, moving on...I've got living to do.