Thursday, March 26, 2009

You look so stoopid.

Ok, so what's the point of being fake? Do you not think that we can see how two-faced you are or can be? Don't you not know how obvious it is that your smile is crooked? Who do you think you're fooling? You think we can't see that you really don't wanna be involved? That it pains you to participate wholeheartedly? Quit being a punk and just SAY SO! I get so tired of people who smile in your face, but totally intend to stab you in the back. Some of 'em are bold enough and would stab you in the chest (if you'd let them).

Spring is coming and that means the arrival of everything new. We do our spring cleaning to get rid of winter's dusty cabin fever germs and we let in the new, clean air, and fragrance of spring's first showers. We exchange heavier clothing for lighter garments in preparation to be able to move and function now that the weather change will allow us to get out(doors) and accomplish more. But while all is shiny, exciting, and new with the (normal) world, there still lurks a slow, dirty, unsettling, mischievous presence. It cleans itself off just enough to be seen for a moment, with all intent and purpose to slink back into the shadows of obscurity. It hides its hands, promoting deceit. Dirty work is handled best in the dark, you know. If its out of sight, its out of mind: covered, sneaky, unsuspecting, ugly, and sometimes down-right dangerous.

But what those corner lurkers that cheaters never win, and all darkness will be brought to the light. Exposure can be so embarrassing. Scratch that. Exposure IS embarrassing. When you have something hidden and don't want it seen, but it becomes uncovered, that's EXPOSURE. If you have something that is covered, but you want it to be shown, that's called REVEALED. When you usually hear the saying, "It will all come out in the wash", you immediately think of the part that something will be exposed. Let me make this part stand out to you: ALL will be washed. When you do laundry and can't remember what items are clean and which are dirty, but their all in the same heap, you wash them ALL. Those that were clean come out clean. Those that were dirty...COME OUT CLEAN.

My point is, get your mind right, life together, and "be kind to your mind" (lol).

(This post is a metaphor for those who are close to me and know what's going on around us. If this does not pertain to you, you can still use and apply what's been shared.)

Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Got Kicked Out! Yeah, I know! I can't believe it either!

Ok so, last night, its already beyond Jo Jo's bed time, and he's in bed but not going to sleep. His lamp is on which provokes him to do everything but get sleepy. I'm in the office in the next room listening and growing all the more frustrated because I know that he doesn't do mornings just like I don't. He's singing and playing with something because he occasionally knocks against the wall. Well, I had decided that enough was enough and the light must be turned off.

He's not scared of the dark, (I don't think), he just protests the dark because it means he has to go to sleep. I walk in his room and turn off the lamp and he immediately protests, "Turn the light back on." I say, "No lets talk. What happened at school today?" We talk in hushed tones as we review his classmates names and who was in attendance that day. After we've finished our little chat I say, "Ok, now lets go to sleep. It's late and you shoul'dve been sleep by now."

Of course, I had a few more things to do in the office, but I had to get him calm enough to fall asleep. The light from the office is on, so its not totally dark, and Mommy is RIGHT THERE, so he has no reason to be afraid.

After a few moments of stillness and me pretending to be asleep...he's on to me. He sighs and says to me while pointing, "Go get in Daddy's bed."

What else could I do but leave? I got up and went back into the office and finished my work. When I was done, I figured he had fallen asleep, so I went to check on him before I went to bed. When I walked in, he was asleep...but he had gotten up and turned the lamp back on!

If he has this much sense at 3, what am I going to do when he turns 5?!