Monday, September 21, 2009

I'm Getting To It

Ok, so my sister has been fussing at me about posting another blog. I looked and realized that I haven't posted anything since March, and trust me, there is a lot that has happened since then. The weird thing is that I have a lot of time on my hands, so I don't know why I haven't posted anything sooner.

So let's play catch up. We live in Michigan and along with our national economy, I'm sure you've heard how bountiful things are in my state. In May, the day before my birthday, I was given my final check. It wasn't a big deal to me. I knew it was coming and wanted to have the day off for my birthday anyway. So, yaaay for me! I took my check straight to the bank and met my brother for ice cream.

God is good and we've been okay. After so many threatening letters and demands for payment, they simply don't scare you anymore when you know you don't have the money. Things kinda become a wait and see how it all pans out type situation. God has provided for us the whole time, so I'm learning how to depend on him totally: totally meaning, at rock's rock bottom.

In the mean time, I'm looking for work and noticing that just about every decent job opening requires you to have a degree. Well, once I graduated from Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts, I wasn't interested in going back to school. I already had a well paying job at the time, so there was no big push for me to go back and attain a degree. Well, its been 8 years since I graduated and its true that time and experience brings you wisdom. I gotta get my old butt back in school! The good thing is that the government is helping its citizens with everything they can. I've been blessed: I never had to know anything about the ins and outs of government assistance. I am glad that its there though! I've signed up for several things and the federal pell grant is next on my list. I'm hearing that resources are starting to run thin, so I gotta get to it while its available.

After that, I can pick myself up by the boot straps and find a decent and well paying job looking for a bright, resourceful, hard working young lady with a NEW degree behind her name! In the mean time, and especially with all this time on my hands, I can decide exactly what I want to be when I grow up (lol) and what type of degree will further my career advances. But for now, its back to filling out all these forms and proving my identity. Although, I've been the same me all this time, I do know that I've done some growing and realized that change can be good. Since that has motivated me to keep moving, I guess that means I've acquired some wisdom too.

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